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ORCiD & SciENcv – Establishing Your NIH & NSF Biosketches Online

ORCID iDs are free, unique researcher identifiers that can be connected to systems like SciENcv, the profile system for research investments from federal agencies. ORCID iD users can automate the process of gathering accurate information about their own funding, publications, and more, all in one place. ORCID iD users set permissions for how funders, publishers and other parties read and write into their ORCID record. Many federal agencies, particularly the NIH and NSF, require applicants to connect their ORCID iD to their SciENcv biosketch materials.  

In this class you will: 

  • Set up your unique ORCID iD using the Johns Hopkins ORCID Registry.
  • Connect your iD with systems that populate your record, such as Crossref.
  • Connect your iD with SciENcv to create biosketches for federal agencies.

Related LibGuide: ORCID by Nancy Shin

Wednesday, July 12, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Writing & Publishing  
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Profile photo of Nancy Shin
Nancy Shin
Profile photo of Jacob White
Jacob White